Oxford Systems Cyber & Information Security Services

Based on its 17 years’ experience of delivering cyber security services to the Transport and Critical National Infrastructure services in the UK and Europe, Oxford Systems has developed a number of services to assist your organisation in defending itself against the modern world of cyber and IT attacks, and complying with the increasing regulatory environment.


Harden and secure your assets against external and internal attackers. Ensure the strength of your organisation's perimeter, web applications and network defences as well as the security of the internal network and AD configuration. We offer many services to help protect your organisation with all types of infrastructure and setup.


It's long been known that the weakest link of any organisation is the human element. Strengthen your weakest link with regular training for all levels of staff on how to approach good cyber hygiene. Start today to help protect your employees and increase vigilance against social engineering and phishing attacks.


We hope it never comes to this, but if you have suffered a breach, help is on hand. Oxford Systems provide Incident Response services to aid you in reacting quickly and efficiently to a suspected or known breach. We also offer proactive threat hunting servicesto check for historic or active currently unknown breaches.


Have peace of mind about your security posture and the ability to demonstrate your commitment to the security and safety of your clients, products, services and employees. Oxford Systems can help your organisation become certified to the UK industry standard, awarded by the most renowned UK certification providers.

cyber essentialsOxford Systems is now a Certification Body for Cyber Essentials. Cyber Essentials is a Government backed and industry supported scheme assisting businesses in protecting themselves against the ever growing threat of cyber attacks, and provides you certification demonstrating to your business partners, customers and regulators that you take cyber security seriously. We are a Certification Body, who have been trained and are licensed by ‘The IASME Consortium’ or IASME to help you become certified.

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8o% of Cyber Security Attacks can be Mitigated by Cyber Training of ALL your Staff

Social engineering attackers are very effective at breaking into your organisation. In fact, 80% of all successful cyber-attacks have a social engineering element to them. Many businesses focus on protecting systems with complex and expensive technological solutions but fail to protect the weakest element - human nature.

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Cybersecurity Strategic Consultancy

  • Strategic review of Cybersecurity environment (Cyber Threat Evaluation)

  • Review/advise on Information Security Policies, Procedures. Governance and Standards

  • Advise on developing a cyber security road map 

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Vulnerability Management
Regular cyber security scans to safeguard your IT environment
Web Application Penetration Test
A series of tests to ensure your web systems are secure
Infrastructure Penetration Test
Without any service disruption test your systems against multiple forms of attack
Digital Foot Printing
Finding and reporting what is known about you that could be exploited by hackers
Social Engineering Testing
Services range from simple phishing email attacks through to actors impersonating staff and entering your premises.
Red Team Assessment
This is a combination of Web Application, Infrastructure, Social Engineering and Digital Foot Printing.

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These services assume the inevitability of a successful attack on your business. This assumption is made because all significant organisations which may provide an opportunity for a successful terrorist or other political attack, or for straightforward theft, either of information for fraud or further theft, or money, or other assets, is continuously being probed for weaknesses. 

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