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IASME Cyber Assurance

The IASME cyber assurance standard was developed over several years during a government funded project to create a cyber security standard which would be an affordable and achievable alternative to the international standard, ISO 27001.

The IASME cyber assurance standard allows the small companies in a supply chain to demonstrate their level of cyber security for a realistic cost and indicates that they are taking good steps to properly protect their customers’ information. The IASME Cyber Assurance certification includes GDPR requirements and is available in two levels: Level 1 Verified Assessment and Level 2 Audited. There is a prerequisite to applying for IASME Cyber Assurance; you must hold a valid Cyber Essentials certificate throughout your IASME Cyber Assurance certification.


IASME Cyber Assurance

To find our more about IASME cyber assurance please complete the box below. We will get back in touch for an informal chat.


IASME Cyber Assurance Self Assessed


IASME Cyber Assurance is risk based and includes key aspects of security such as incident response, asset management, people management, physical controls and GDPR compliance.
Level 1 certification is the first step along the certification pathway for IASME Cyber Assurance.

For the Level 1 certification, organisations are given access to a secure portal to complete their application and provide details against the Question Set.

The pricing structure for Level 1 certification is based on the size of the organisation applying for certification.


IASME Cyber Assurance Audited


IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 involves an audit of your processes, procedures and controls required by the standard. The audit is independent and conducted by an IASME Certification Body and Assessor.
You will need to have completed the IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 certification before you can progress to the Level 2 audit.
To get a quote for your Level 2 certification, please speak to your certification body.
The standard covers 13 themes across 5 areas of control

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