We provide the key that solves your cyber security challenges

Deploying effective cyber security is one of the 21st century’s greatest challenges for business. In the digital age executives and managers need to fully understand what cyber security is and how it impacts upon them and their businesses. Businesses need guidance on the practical steps of incorporating good cyber security practices into their workplaces.

Cybersecurity Strategic Consultancy



Our Services

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Managed Services

Vulnerability Management
Regular cyber security scans to safeguard your IT environment
Web Application Penetration Test
A series of tests to ensure your web systems are secure
Infrastructure Penetration Test
Assess your network, systems and configuration for vulnerabilities
Digital Foot Printing
Finding and reporting what is known about you that could be exploited by hackers

Social Engineering Testing
Services range from simple phishing email attacks through to actors impersonating staff and entering your premises.
Red Team Assessment
This is a combination of Web Application, Infrastructure, Social Engineering and Digital Foot Printing.