Cyber Security for Executives

Cyber Security for Executives

Cyber Security for Executives Understanding the Risks and what needs to be done
This is for CEO’s, CCO’s, CFO’s, C-suite and Directors who need to fully understand the cyber threat landscape and how it may impact upon their organization.

The media,through their coverage of high-profile attacks, and attention from all levels of government has made cybersecurity a familiar term. However, many executives do not know the depth of its meaning or what to do about it. This has caused many managers to take notice, but made it hard for them to act. They are advised to assess their risk, but may do not know how. They are told to address vulnerabilities that are identified, but this consumes operating budgets and there is no immediate or tangible return.
Large, medium, and small commercial companies need help confronting cyber threats. They need step by step instructions, checklists, and other tools that will help them assess and reduce their vulnerabilities.

Event Properties

Event Date 15/07/39 9:30 am
Individual Price 990.00
Location Online

Group Rate

#Registrants Rate/Person (£)
2 950.00
3 900.00


Session 1

Cyber Landscape

Understanding the current threat landscape Current Cyber Security legislation Marketing and communication, minimizing the risk of brand erosion SCADA Systems and their impact on cyber security

Session 2

Cyber Security and your Business

The business revenue impacts of cyber breaches and real-world cyber-attacks. How to reduce business risk exposure and actually reduce costs while increasing overall security posture. Generate money and business opportunities from good information security practices. In business terms, how hackers choose and attack their targets. Protection, Defense and Response and what areas you need to focus on. What are the Top 10 Cyber threats


Dr John McCarthy Ph.D. B.Sc. (hons) MBCS

CEO and Founder of Oxford Systems

Dr John McCarthy is a world renowned authority on CyberSecurity strategy, development and implementation. He holds a PhD in CyberSecurity and eBusiness Development and is an internationally recognized author of a number of academic papers discussing all aspects of CyberSecurity in the modern world. John is frequently invited to sit on expert panels and appear as an expert speaker at well-known CyberSecurity events. Past appearances have included talks on ICT Security in the Modern Airport, Security in the Digital Age and SCADA threats in the Modern Airport at various prominent international conferences. John is also a leading expert on social engineering awareness training and best practice.