Workshop - Developing a Cyber Security Road Map for Your Business

Workshop - Developing a Cyber Security Road Map for Your Business

Businesses need guidance on the practical steps of incorporating good cyber security practices into their workplaces. We operate in a constantly changing environment with zero day attacks a real threat to our organizations. There are many threat actors with varying skill levels that pose multiple threats. In this landscape, you must assess the cyber security risk and financially justify the steps taken to mitigate these threats. You need the support of the board and senior managers to deploy a suitable mitigation strategy.

Format: A one day interactive workshop led by Dr John McCarthy PhD a Senior Certified Cyber Professional - Security And Information Risk Advisor

In this workshop you will learn how to assess the cyber security needs of your business and determine the most cost effective way of securing your business whilst reducing your risk.

  • Examine Cyber Security from the standpoint of your unique business environment
  • Utilise a risk assessment matrix that considers levels of cyber risk and any key legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations that may exist
  • Learn how to identify your current Cyber Security position and providing a road map to mitigating your cyber risks

This is achieved through a 4 step process:

Gathering Information

  • What are your key digital assets? i.e. the data, systems and infrastructure which are vital to your business
  • What are the cyber risks to those assets?
  • In your risk management process what level of risk are you ready to accept?
  • What are your businesses key legal, regulatory and contractual obligations?
  • What are your current planned mitigations of identified operational, cyber legal, regulatory and contractual risks including policies, roles and responsibilities, competencies, skills and the business objectives for Information Security management

Auditing Your Current Cyber Security Mitigation Strategy

  • Review the effectiveness and completeness of the identified mitigation in the light of the gathered information
  • Guidance on how to engage 3rd parties to conduct remote vulnerability scans of your network, systems, business website and Internet connections
  • Guidance on how to gauge employee understanding of relevant security requirements (Cyber Hygiene awareness)

Analysing Your Cyber Risk Exposure
You will then ascertain the gaps between your targeted risk mitigation position and your current situation, by using the audit information to review your People Processes and Technology.

Prioritise and Develop the Road map
A prioritised action list with a roadmap of recommendations and approximate investment costs required can then be created. This can include any longer term initiatives aimed at adopting international best practice and standards such as ISO 27001.

Event Properties

Event Date 05/11/24 9:30 am
Individual Price £595.00
Location Online

Group Rate

#Registrants Rate/Person (£)
2 550.00
3 525.00